
Pain Management

Here at FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers, we believe in using drug-free, surgical-free methods to help manage your pain with...

  • Massage Therapy
  • Deep-tissue Laser Therapy
  • Ultrasound Technology and Electrotherapy

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy can be very beneficial to patients suffering from pain, anxiety, hypertension, and more.  It can reduce pain and temporarily reduce blood pressure and heart rate.

Deep tissue massage relieves tension in the muscle and surrounding tissues. It is often recommended for people with severe, constant, or acute pain or for those who undergo heavy physical activity or have sustained some form of physical injury.

Deep-tissue Laser Therapy

In our office, we have the ability to utilize a technology known as the Litecure Laser...

LiteCure offers the most technologically advanced and powerful Class IV Cold Laser Therapy Medical Devices available today, providing healthcare professionals with a safe and effective option to treat pain and heal inflammation.

Deep Tissue Laser Therapy™ is an innovative, scientifically based, therapeutic modality. This new technology offers advanced pain relief and expedited healing times through a process known as photobiostimulation.

The LCT-1000® delivers, deep, penetrating, photonic energy to bring about profound physiological changes. ATP (Adenosine-triphosphate) production is increased, inflammation and pain reduced and circulation increased at the site of injury. These changes in cellular chemistry are triggered by the LCT-1000® making it a true healing modality.

-LiteCure, LLC 2011

Don't just take our word for it though! Try it for yourself! 

For more information about Deep Tissue Laser Therapy, see our section about it under the services tab.


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